University of Pittsburgh

Wei Du Hematopoiesis Research Lab

Wei Du

Associate Professor of Medicine

M.D. in Clinical Medicine

Ph.D. in Pediatric Oncology, Tohoku University, Japan

Phone: (412)-623-2211


Address: 5117 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 15213

Google Scholar, LinkedIn, ResearchGate




Address: 5117 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA USA 15213

Jian Xu

Jian Xu received his B.S. degree in Pharmacy from Guangdong Medical Unviersity, M.S. degree from South China Normal Univeristy. He recently graduated from Sun Yat-sen Unviersity, China, major in Pharmacology. His current research interests include: 1) the role of DNA damage repair protein CtIP in fetal hematopoiesis; 2) BM macrophage in regulating hematopoiesis; 3) Immune receptor TREM1, Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) and Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).


Address: 5117 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA USA 15213

Jonathan Joseph

Jonathan is a medical student in the lab. His research interest is to investigate whether restoring Cdc42 activity can rejuvanate aged HSC function.


Address: 5117 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 15213

Jessie Gao

Jessie is a research specialist and lab manager in the lab. She is responsible for the mouse colony maintenance, and oversees the Du lab duties. Jessie is a very talented cook and likes to try different types of food during her spare time.

Anthony Zhu

Anthony Zhu was orginially from California. He graduated from PITT in 2023 and joined the Du lab in July, 2023. He is now studying HSC engraftment, BM response in different mouse models upon ABX treatment.

Jayme Jieun Hong

Jayme Jieun Hong is an experiences research scientist, specialized in cell cuclutre, cell-based assays, flow cytometry, ELISA. She joined the lab in Oct, 2024, will be working on projects related to bone marrow niche function.

Logan Sund

Logan is a fresh graduate from Penn State University. He joined the lab in Sep, 2024, and will be investigating the role of TREM1 in HSC activation and leukemia development.

Emily Wolff

Emily graduated from U Pitt recently and joined the lab in May, 2023. She started her research in the Du Lab since 2021, now is a graduate student at Penn State University.